Sunday, April 1, 2012

Fun in the Mud

After a breakdown on the freeway, CHP emergency road crew help, and a tow to the mechanic, we had to get rid of the Audi.  It is a very sad milestone for me, in fact i actually teared up in the dealership when we traded the Audi in, it really was a beautiful car and I am gonna miss it.  But the GOOD NEWS is, we are now the proud owners of a new's a VW Jetta Sportswagon.  I love it!

So after spending all day in the dealerships yesterday, we decided to make today "Ella Day".  So we started off with what we thought was going to be a bike ride.  It ending up be a mud hike.  Ella LOVED the mud!

We then had lunch with some friends, and a LONG nap.

I'll be sure to keep you posted on new events, but since it has been a while since our last post, i wanted to share some of the fun we have had over the past few months:

Ella got a new slide from the neighbors...she loves playing with them in the back (and front) yard

We spent a week in Kauai!!!

We went on our first bike ride.

We had lots of fun at home.

We had fun at the park!

In general, we are having a blast.