Saturday, November 30, 2013

Caution, Kids at Play

I love this time of year. It's full of holidays, family, fun and traditions.  The season kicks of with a holiday that I have not really been a fan of in the past.  However, I have to admit that I am getting more into the spirit of Halloween, especially with our new neighborhood traditions and festivities.  Next year, maybe I'll even consider dressing up.

This year Elanor picked her own halloween costume - Rupunzel.  She had a dress, a wand, and a crown (the wand and crown didn't make it in this photo because we were all so excited to start trick-or-treating!)

And Lydia was a purple butterfly!

The four of us went to the first five houses together, but then Lydia and I headed back to hand out candy.  We had over 175 trick-or-treaters!  With that many trick-or-treaters, handing out candy is an event in itself.  You don't sit and watch a scary movie and answer the door when it rings (you would never be able to sit).  Instead, everyone sits on their front porches and hands it out.  It is like a giant block party, and so much fun.

Ella trick-or-treated for about two hours and then the girls put on their skeleton pajamas for bedtime...and slept all night long!

On Veteran's Day, I took the girls to the Discovery Museum.  Elanor has been several times before, but this was Liddy's first time there since she was old enough to play.  SO. MUCH. FUN.  Liddy was crawling all over everything!  She was standing and cruising and so adventurous.  It was really fun to see.

And of course Ella had fun as well.  Let me just say though, two kids, both excited, both *running* around, jumping and playing for three hours straight.  One Mommy.  I went to bed early that night...and slept all night long! ;)

But spending time with the family is the best part of any weekend.  Just the little things, like pictures in the yard...

Jumping at the playground...

Standing at the playground...

In general, just having a blast...

and spending time with each other...

creating memories, love and hugs.