Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Our Cute Little Easter Bunnies

Its been busy, as usual.  We have been go, go, go, and play, play, play.  We have been playing with friends and with each other; inside and out; and really enjoying dress up time.  We have even had a few "princess" play dates, dedicated entirely to princess dress up time - which goes along well with the newest fascination in our house: FROZEN.

Princess Play Time with Molly

Playing inside

Firefighter Lydia

"Do You Want to Build a Snowman?"

Outdoor Playtime at Landsdale Station Playground

We have also had fund preparing for the Easter bunny, and of course our THREE egg hunts this year. We joined in with what seemed like all of San Anselmo at Memorial Park for our first egg hunt the Saturday before Easter.  Neither Lydia nor Elanor "found" any eggs, which really entails just picking one up off the ground.  Both girls were more interested in watching all the people instead of finding eggs.  But that was OK because we still had two more egg hunts to go!

Time to Dye Eggs

Easter Egg Hunt at Memorial Park

The most amazing part of Easter this year was seeing the girls' faces as they found the surprises that the Easter Bunny left for them.  I can't believe how excited Lydia got when she found a princess doll in the backyard of Grandma and Papa's house.  I will never forget that face.  

And Elanor was really enjoying seeing what type of candy was on the inside of the eggs this year.  She found colored eggs (Robin Eggs) and mini chocolate muffins (Reeses' Peanut Butter Cups).  What an amazing holiday.  I can tell, this is only the beginning of what is going to be a great summer.