Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Trick or Treat

There are certain things you just cannot buy, and that includes adorable halloween costumes, fun times, and memories.  We've been making all three of these this month.

It started off with Halloween, I asked Elanor what she wanted to dress as this year and she chose both her and Lydia's costumes (butterfly and dragon). 

I thought it would be fun to make them.  I'm not sure when these "great" ideas pop into my must have occurred sometime between sanity and sleep, but I am really glad I spent the time.  I am not much of a seamstress, but I think they turned out so cute!  

We also carved pumpkins, and went to a Pumpkin Party at Ella's preschool.  In Ella's class of 30 or so children, there were 6 girls dressed as Elsa this year!  Let It Go, Let It Go...


In between the madness that is our crazy, fun lives, we decided to spend a day at Alcatraz.  The boat ride was super fun, and the tour was interesting too.  

It was a bit rainy, but we made it through the rain to see a beautiful rainbow.

And we've been squeezing in some park time play...

Play at home...

and shopping time play!

I am very excited that the holiday season has started.  I am excited that there is rain, and I can't wait to see what fun, exciting, memorable events we have to look forward to over Thanksgiving and Christmas.