Friday, August 16, 2013

Time to Slow Down

I don't know how it is possible.  I should have listened to the countless blogs and stories from friends.  I should have learned from my own experience.  But it is true.  They grow up so fast.  And it seems that the second time around is faster than the first.  And how that is possible, the second grows up faster than the first...well that is some sort of twist of the fourth dimension that is totally unexplainable.

So Lydia is already 5 months old.  And her first year of life is almost half over.  My time off from work is coming to an end, and I find myself just wondering how this happened.  How did this time pass so quickly? 

I have heard from many people "enjoy every stage".  And with Ella I feel I did that.  But with Lydia, I find myself thinking about it a lot.  And I have also found there is a lot I am going to miss, but there are also things I won't. 

Won't Miss:waking up (multiple times) in the middle of the night for feedings
Will Miss: The way she looks at me when I pick her up at 2AM after she realizes that no matter what time it is, I will be there for her.  Holding her little hands while she eats. 

Won't Miss:  the massive amount of laundry to do every weekend
Will Miss:  Holding her hands and feet multiple times a day while changing her from one cute outfit to another

Won't Miss: the time, energy, scabs, soreness of breastfeeding
Will Miss: knowing that what I am doing is the best thing for her and keeping her healthy and strong

Won't Miss: Potty training
Will Miss: How proud I felt after the first week of "no accidents".  Seeing her face when Ella got her first lollipop for this very reason.

Won't Miss: changing diapers
Will Miss: ???  I'm not sure there is anything I'll miss about diapers.

Won't Miss: sitting in traffic.
Will Miss: going to the zoo, fairyland, the City and seeing their faces each time, like it's the first time we've been there.

Whether I'll miss it or not, I'm enjoying every second of every day.  I just wish time would slow a little...